had been staying there since last sunday...
we were given a room with air conditioner, a fridge and a television..
great, rite?
i don't even have any air conditioner in my room...
but da room is like a jail..
no windows...
and everytime i enter dat room i wanna sleep..
at this hospital, i have more chances to meet internal medicine specialist and interact with them...
it's kinda interesting...
except when i can't answer their questions....
i'm kinda distracted of some stuffs now...
i wanna study but i can't...
the room at the hospital is like a sleeping pill....
i shouldn't be like this....
i must study...
i must be an excellent doctor...
it's not dat i'm depressed or something...
in fact, i'm happy now...
cuz there's someone who always take care of me and makes me smile...
dear.... here's for you

but there's also someone who's heart had been broken by me recently...

life is hard...
when we know what we really want in life, making decision is easy..
but we can't make everyone happy with our decision...

introspeksi diri.. itu yang aku perlu lakukan sekarang.....