i have a pic that i wanna share with you guys.

har har (nothing than a cynical enough is an appropriate reaction for this pic)
anyway, this is a real threat!
i was shocked when i first read it, thinking it was some kind of stupid joke or something like that.
but hell, those nurses are damn serious!
so guys, don't sit or sleep on patient's bed if you are not a patient!
Askum wr.wb. halo,..... sy orang indonesia,.... sy search "stethoscope" malah jatuh di thread ini......
anak kedok ya,... cp deh.. btw foto km yg pake jam itu cantik banget lho.... sumpah.... setelah sy liat smua postingan km,... "ternyata km orang malaysia ye...." ngapain kul di indo sih,...??? gw aja nantix mau kuliah di malaysia,...
OK deh,... salam kenal aja ya makcik.... betul3x (ipin upin)
salam. anonymous, siapa nama kamu? thank u for reading this. ehe~
yup, anak kedok. sy diantar pemerintah.
salam kenal juga.
p.s. makcik itu sbnrnye utk tante.... sy masih muda. ngeh3
nama ane panzer cyber tech.. maaf ye,... ane kira makcik=mbak.... ok deh ane panggil ente miss.... hehe.... nggak salah lg kan...???
sy baca postingan miss ainul, tinggal di makassar ye....?? haha kasian PANAS, KOTOR, BECEK, BANYAK PENGEMIS,.... (sy pernah k makasar)
kesini aja mbak,.. di tempat saya , di yogyakarta... disini asik loh... hehehe.
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