15 October 2011

i'm a doctor but i have no money and no life!

frankly speaking, dat's kinda the situation i am in now......
dat's the effect of working too much and spending too much!

i think i had to use the tip someone gave me: "save first! not later"

i've been working for 7 months now and truthfully, i had not save even a single penny. 
maybe, maybe i wasn't aware of the future.
yeah, i've been wasting too much money until the lightning struck me.
remember my accident on the first day of raya?
turns out the insurance company did not cover the whole expenses!
owh my, i was so damn shocked.
there goes all of my money.
with no more on call money, my expenses went up to hill and my savings went downhill...
this is unbelievable...

people always thought that we got a  raise.
but people,couldn't you see that the fact there is no more on call money?????
okay i am being fanatic now.

i'm a lil bit upset with myself.
but i got a new promise to my own self.
and i will make sure that i'll act wiser next time...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apabila ALLAH memberi kita ujian... ada HIKMAH sebaliknya... ALLAH tidak akan menguji melainkan yang termampu ditanggung oleh HAMBANYA. ALLAH MAHA BIJAKSANA.

Apabila orang menasihati tandanye ada orang masih sayang KITA. Cuma kekadang cara teguran yang x berapa nak kena... jika kita pedulikan cara tanpa ambil intipati teguran.. rugilah kita.

Apabila ada orang menegur ertinya ada yang ambil berat tentang kita... Cuma kekadang teguran macam mengajar... peduli apa asalkan kita faham maksud teguran itu.

cuba analisa situasi ini...

cerita 1. ada seorang genius nak pegi satu hutan.. datang seorang orang kampung dan MAKLUM "kau nak mampus situ ada ular besar"...waduh... kerana ego dan marah cara orang itu tegur dia..orang genius itu x ambil peduli dan masuk ke hutan itu... itulah saat terakhir orang lihat dia...

cerita 2... seorang jenderal bersara duduk dikampung dan berkebun agak jauh dari kediaman. satu hari rumahnya terbakar dan datang budak kecil tercungap2 beritahu " ATUK BALIK CEPAT, RUMAH ATUK TERBAKAR"... kerana marah budak kecil arah dia sedangkan sebelum ini dia kontrol satu batolian askar.. dia pun buat dek aje tanap ambil pusing isi ucapan budak itu.... JAWABNYE.. dia lihat abu saje lepas 2.