07 December 2008

FiVe ThOuSanD WorDs in fiVe MinuTeS

they said that a picture worth a thousand words

here, i gave u five thousand words [excluding captions].

if u can't finish it in less than five minutes, i'm sure you've got a loose screw in your brain.


dari kiri ke kanan --> jack, kack, lack, mack, nack, quack, pack

theme--> young executives. haha...

my fav pic!

y on earth did i wore my dad's stuffs?

believe it or not, waktu ni bibir aku mengelupas truk gile [allergy to lipgloss] smpai aku rase malu. so aku pon wat gaya 'ayat2 cinta'. hihi.


~NaiM~ said...

nice ayat2 cinta appearance~!

ainulrhy said...

tenkiu naim!