19 June 2011

thank you babah

today i take a good look into my reflections.
I realised how much fat i've lost in this few months.
 and how 'serabut' i look.

Then I look at those big puffy eyes, effect of the lack of sleep.
Sometimes,i feel so damn tired with my life.
But then i will think of what my dad used to say, how he always encourage me, and words of wisdom that he kept repeating over and over again.

For without his words, i may have lost in my journey.
To think dat i may not reach here without him makes me feel so thankful that have such a great dad.
Now i really enjoy my job and i want to make him proud of me...
Thank you for making me who i  am , babah


Pakngah said...
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Anonymous said...

My dear daughter dr. ainul.

Congratulation. U have reached the first destination. There is a long journey ahead for the next destination.

Here again DO NOT get lost. Always remember and adhere to the 3 GUIDES... GPP ie. GOD, PROPHET, PARENT.

Pray for U happiness HERE and HEREAFTER

ainulrhy said...

Thank you, babah :)