been long since i wrote something 'meaningful' here..
here are brief 'report' of my holiday...
i went home on da ninth feb, at eight pm
i hate traveling alone..
it is so damn boring...
anyway, for your info, makassar airport is a very modern airport...
and i think it's better that LCCT..
no, i'm not joking...
i love Makassar's airport!

this is da pic of the flight dat take me home...
i took this pic from da boarding room..
the plane had just arrived from Kuala Lumpur.
sometimes i wonder what if it just goes straight and didn't stop...
what a disaster!

i was alone so no one can take my pic...
so i use another option, which is camwhoring at the toilet!
i think i'm getting chubbier....
i've arrived KL at 11 p.m.
and guess what, my family and I went straight to Mersing dat night!
it is so tiring!
mersing is soooooooooooo far!
this is my lil sis, Aizza and my lil bro, Alieff in da Actyon car in front of our new house...

da Actyon is not exactly our car... our family car is da Harrier.... hehe.... but i like the front of da Actyon... i always think it looks like a Fox....

some of my holiday activities are washing and vacuuming these cars!
my other activity is helping my mum to repack this stuffs....

there's a lot of stuffs... my body was ached and bruised...... it is so tiring....
i also went to my best friend's house....
she's gonna marry tomorrow.....
since i couldn't go to her wedding so i went to meet her at Ampang.
but i forgot to take pics cuz i was too happy to meet her.
we haven't met since four years ago...
oh why didn't i capture da memory?
stupid, stupid, stupid..
my nine days in Malaysia wasn't exactly fun...
i spent most days in Mersing, playing games and watching AXN...
repacking stuffs, and etcs..
a day before i went back to Makassar.. i met my grandma at Melaka..
she cried when she saw me...
she said she was proud of me, and she hopes she'll still alive when i've become a dcotor...
i almost cried too...
my grandma had been through so many trials in her life...
i've always wanted to know her war experience, but i didn't wanna make her cry.
our grandpa had leave her to marry another woman...
so my grandma had to raise her children all alone...
poor grandma.. i hope i can be strong like her...
i love her so much.....
since i've promised to show u recent pics of my family members, here there are.... this is da pics i took from da computer at home...
they went to these places without me... arghhh!!!!

amie, mummy and arieff. my bro's have grown, right.. i still couldn't believe how tall they are now...

babah, mama, arieff and amie...
mummy still da same...
looking so young dat people always thought she's my elder sister.
Alip golip with our cousin's preschool graduation outfit...

my siblings' hands.
they scanned their own hands! haha...
oklah.. dat's all for now.....
i'm starting my clinical at internal medicine department soon....
wish me luck!
wah, i almost cry when i met my grandma too... ayat yg sama jugak she said to me, that she's proud of me n hoping she'll still be alive when i return... haih~ sedey2... hopefully dia sihat2 je...
btw, ur grandma's life story is almost da same as mine la... it's just that my grandpa didnt left my grandma for another women, it's just that he died early when my mom is in standard 2... poor my grandma... :(
wanna know da real story of my grandma?
she had been married four times...
da first hubby died young, da second one is my grandad who's a soldier and left my grandma to marry da nurse who cure him... n my mum only met him again when she wanna marry my daddy, da third one is mysterious.. i forgot what had happen to him... meanwhile...her fourth hubby died few years ago.....
dat's why i said she's strong...
my grandpa didn't even gave her money to raise my mum n her siblings....
dat's why grandma always cried..
she's all alone...
and all of us are always too busy....
i hope our grandmas will be alright and can c us when we had succeed.
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