i think u guys know dat i'm not single.....
but many did not know who's my boyfriend..
i'm still afraid to introduce him to u guys cuz i'm not so sure about our future..
but no one knows da future, right?
so i guess here it is....
da LOVE of my life....

ok ok...
no... i'm not ready to show my beloved yet...
but now i wanna talk about this guy robert pattinson a.k.a edward cullen in twilight or cedric diggory in Harry potter...

at first when i c him in twilight movie, i think he's weird.
but when he look at da girl like he wanna eat her,
OMG!!! what a beautiful and sexy eyes!

and his smile makes my day..
da girl who cast as isabella is also pretty.....

she's sweet, right?
my opinion about da movie is dat da movie is so sexy, romantic and hot...
some didn't agree with me...
but i know why i love da movie, especially edward cullen...
first lemme tell u a secret... i like bad guys..
yeah, dat's true...
i like da black spiderman better than da red one...
and i think da Cullens' family are perfect....
i dunno why i'm always attracted to guys like gangsters..
maybe cuz they look so damn macho with their unbelievable strength and so romantic when they care and protect their gurl...

i've got nothing else to say than 'i love the twilight movie so much!!!!!!!!!!!!'
aku x tgk lagi citer ni...tpi aku pernah tgk satu citer sweden.."let the right one in"..yng ni pn best. Fans byk compare 2 citer ni, sbb due2 psl vampire bercinta ngn org. Tp yg sweden tu, vampirenye pompuan and watak utama die budak. Give it a try if u enjoy such film, aku kasik yg version sweden tu 9/10
sounds interesting
but no blood plz...
aku xle tgk blood dlm tv...
nk muntah
tgk dpn2 xpe..
anyway, y 9/10?
xfhm la
alamak...why no blood, x kn vampire nk minum air coca cola kot. dalam citer tu merate bdk pompuan tu cari darah...eyy hehehe...9/10 sbb citer tu best, tp quite slow phase.
sure nnti munth2 klau au nengok...
cite twilight xde drh2..
best je..
ainul...mane gambar si dia kamu??
i'm waiting neh...!
syam pn ade cni...yo syam!~
hrmm... nnti2 la kite tauk gbr 'si dia' kiter.... skrg kitorg masih sibuk. nnti kalau kitorg da btul2 kukuh br la kiter bgtau, k... tkt xjadi je.... da bnyk kali sgt kecewa...
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