10 November 2008

I'm NoT OkAy....

My thin lips become stiff,
Cuz I felt like falling from a cliff.

My hard works burn into ashes,
And flew as the wind gushes.

You are not proactive, she said
Did you wanna be a doctor or a maid?

My eyes blurred with tears
As the words stung my ears

I forgot only a tiny little thing,
Then she assume that my brain got nothing?

Bitter reality is too harsh,
Even though I strive too hard………


~NaiM~ said...

pity all the doctors,
got to go through all of that till the completion of HO...

btw what is the tiny little thing you forgot?

garang jugak ek doc sana

ainulrhy said...

kt mane2 pon ade boss yg grg dan ade yg baik..
same mcm doctors gak...
i terlupe diagnosis untuk baby baru lahir yang normal.
sepatutnya kene tulis "BCB,SMK,SpT"
Maksudnya Bayi Cukup Bulan, Sesuai Masa Kehamilan, lahir Spontan"
sbb tak ingat mende alah ni, dokter anggap i tak pernah baca status bayi2 lain.
tak tau la brape markah i untuk subdivisi tu.. keje pnat tp dianggap tak proaktif dan tak mahir.

t33pO said...

u know what...
life actually not that simple..
sometime u will meet nice n kind person n sometime u will meet harsh, dirty person...
u wanna know what i will do?
Take it easy n learn something from it...Taaadaaaa!!!!

ainulrhy said...

tq t33po
i pon da sda yg i need to think positive dan kne blaja n ingt sume important details lps ni!!!

Anonymous said...

pergh~ sungguh x best~ hehe... sabo je la... tp cam menakutkan plak, ainul pon kena marah. esok2 kita x tau la jd apa. kena tengking plak kot... haih~

neway, cliff is my 'husband'.. haha.. still remember the game larh~ hahaha...

ainulrhy said...

ingatkn apela..
rupenye ckp psl game harvest moon..
lame x men game tuh..
sume manusia sng melakukan kesalahan.
yg pnting take it positive n never do it again..