7.00 am ~ perinatology room 1

~ resucitating the apneic (temporary absence or cessation of breathing) baby. She's s small! But her heart beats beautifully that it makes us keep trying to help her!
2.00 pm ~ perinatology room 1

still resucitating the baby.
i'm tired.
thank god my friend is around.
we take turn to manually ventilate the baby.
dear baby please breath normally!
we are tired!
but how can we let you die just like that?
3.00 pm~ perinatology room 2

Doctor 'R' asked me to meet her and follow up Baby N who was born with a rare diagnosis...
stevens johnson syndrome + toxic epidermal necrolysis!
his mom had been taking anti hypertensive drugs and he was born like this.
poor boy
he kept crying
and whenever i touch him, he'll cry...
he cried like it's too painful.
but i had to do my job.
had to check on him every 15 minutes.
i'm so hungry but i was told NOT to leave the baby.
so there i sat, alone in a big room with the baby and his grandma.
(his mum is still at their village's clinic)
10.00 pm
my friends came with fried bananas and my fav choc milk!
i'm so lucky to have friends like them!
at least now i got something to eat! hehe...
2.00 ami'm so sleepy.
the baby's grandma pity me and ask me to get some sleep.
But a few minutes later, a doctor come into the room and instruct me to continue follow up the baby every 15 minutes and never leave the baby.
12 more hours to go!
5.00 am
i'm so hungry and sleepy! i only leave the baby to pray and to the toilet.
my body feels so sticky.
i need a shower!
6.00 am
the baby's grandma gave me something that makes me very2 happy.

i was touched.. the baby's family is so kind and understanding!
7.00 am
take a bath..
now i feel fresh!
i took a shortcut to the toilet via Althaff's room. he's so cute!

i love to play with his chubby face!

this morning he's kinda irritable. but usually he smiles and laugh cheerfully! i always forgot that he got hydrocephalus... poor baby....
8.45 am
go to paediatric lab to sent some lab stuffs
9.15 am
ran to the central lab to fetch some lab results.
better than sitting in the peri room and kept checking the baby (it makes me sleepy)
10.30 am
Baby N is 'abducted' by the radiology department to do some chest X ray.
i began to ask myself "when will this shifts ends?"
i can't wait to sleep at home!
as the baby is away, i got da chance to sleep in the co assistant room for one hour.
thanks to my partner who's willing to wait in the peri room!
(we can't leave the room. if Perinatology doctors come to the room and saw none of us, they'll be like incredible hulk.. huhu)
12.00 afternoon
i'm still sleepy but i had to woke up since the baby had been 'returned'
hrmm normal X ray..
but he had been breathing rapidly since yesterday!
12.30 afternoon
i'm bored so i create a melody by tapping into my new buddy ~ Mr O2 (the oxygen tank)

this is me n my new buddy. hihihi... he's as tall as me!
1 pm
Eye specialist and ENT specialist come to check the baby. Head of Peri department also come. Me and my friend had da chance to learn so much things from them!
doctor R ask me "where will u go after this? Peri Room 1? PICU? or the emergency room?" (she's referring to the afternoon shifts)
i smile and say
"i'm going home, doc!"
at last!
my 32 hours shift ends!
now i can go home to play with effy n get some sleep!

home sweet home!
32 hours~!!!
hard to imagine to be in that condition. hu~
btw if i may ask, how many years are your clinical years?
yeah, it's very hard to imagine....
even me myself couldn't believe it! huhu.... our clinical term is two years [minimum]....
still a long way to go...
i've only started three weeks ago.....
btw, today baby steven johnson died...
and the other one, who had been ventilated for two days, died yesterday...
the grandma said thanx to me. at least we've try our best.
i felt like i wanna cry....
but life had to go on, rite?
two babies in a row...
must be quite a shock for you..
one day seeing them breathing, the other day not...
the grandma are so kind hearted..
the doctors have done whatever they can.. ( u also)
the complications are going too bad
they are in such a pain before
mayb that's the best for the babies and their family..
we don't know, but Allah know rite?
Ohhh mine....
You work super hard!!! Salute you, girl!!!
By the way, the baby in 1st picture looks kind of fake to me... Hope the baby will get well soon!!
my lurvely beverly,
premature babies do look like a fake...
some looks like an alien!
its da truth!
n da baby had died yesterday.... seems like her brain couldn't function her lungs to breath.....
and guess what?
her weight is only 900grams!!
such a poor tiny little creature...
i wish i'm working...
we r not paid but working so hard that sometimes its unbearable.
dear mysterious naim
thank u for da compliment
yeah, ALLAH knows everything
perhaps its da best. da steven johnson baby had been in terrble pain that no human can imagine.
may their soul rest in peace~
ainul...camne ko amik gambar diri sendiri? ko ade tgn ke-3 ker? hehe
nak tau gak rahsianya...boleh tangkap gak utk masuk blog aku...huhu
neway, it was a great and precious experience! u deserve it! but poor u, u dont deserve the 02 tank as fren...u still have us rite? huhuhu (d side effect of staying up more than 24 hours)--> proven!
kak wani yg amekkan.
yg gbr tgn tu je tgn kak wani.. kitorg time dinas waktu tu...
so bersama2 berjuang tolong baby tuh..
kalau time jage br sowg2 je.
ye aku masih ade korg, yg sudi bwkkn aku mknn dan air bile aku xlrt....
tq so much!
salam ziarah~~
smoga Allah membalas segala usaha saudari terhadap baby tersebut. tahniah kerana berjaya menjalankan shift selama 32 jam. semoga anda berjaya menjadi doc yg hebat InsyaAllah...
salam hafizan..
thanks a lot!
u gimme a new hope!
kitorg ni kerja keras tp kdg2 tak dihargai sgt..
itulah hakikatnya mahasiswa perubatan...
kdg2 ade yg panggil kitorang nurse..
tp mmg ktorg tak lyk lg digelar dokter..
apepun, i hope i can get through all of this with flying colours....
wish me all da best!
alaaa... siannya... sedihnya.... haih~ i really knew i couldnt be a paediatrician... haih~
isk kak halaa ni.. lom cube belum tau...
never give up before we even started! [an advice for me too]
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