weird, but that's a fact.
yeah, i am allergic to lipstick.
i only use it today for five minutes (i was bored so i've decided to camwhore wearing makeups and selendang. haha)
and now i had to take two tablets of interhistin cuz my lips had become swollen.
i hate to see my thin lips changed into angelina jolie's lips! (i did not hate her, ok. i really2 adore the sexy, beautiful and gold-hearted mother of six!)
my lips hurt so much now.
there was once where i couldn't even smile for a week cuz of the allergy reaction.
another thing i'm allergic to is COLD weather.
it's lucky that i live in a very hot tropical island.
but if i was in an air-conditioned room, wheals of urticaria attacked me.
and god, it is so damn itchy!
uniquely, all i had to do is stroke it until it's warm and 'poof!!!' it's gone! easy, rite?
i always think, what happens if i go to snowy mountain?
maybe i had to take my anti histamine everywhere
i wish i'm allergic to fatty foods.
so that i can start eating healthy foods and become slimmer.
this week, 3 people had commented about my weight gain.
arghhh... i know i have gain weight. but gimme some space, lah.
i've been trying to reduce my cravings, ok?
the problems are
a) my stomach is so big that i didn't know when it will ever feel full
b) my mouth always wanna chew something
*sigh again
i feel so sleepy now (side effects of interhistin)
i hope tomorrow my lips didn't become worse.
i promise i will throw away all my lipstick and lip ice.
beauty doesn't worth all the pain, right?
oh ya. i'm allergic to harsh guys too. ehe~