it's my second week in dermatology department...
and i never thought i'm gonna be so tired like this!
so much assignments! so much things to learn! so much skin disease that i must identify! i'm still confused. the pics i examined in the books weren't exactly what i saw at da hospital. most of them seems different..... it took me a while before i can digest anything.
p.s. did u know that the skin is the largest organ of a human? hmmm....
i'm not sure i'm tired because of the journey to da hospital (the hospital is located one hour ride from my apartment) or because there are so much things to do or because i'm just being lazy. but i think the third reason can be eliminated. i have done so much work last week that i didn't even play any games! credit for me. yeay! haha..
gotta finish my slide show for tomorrow...
work, work, and work
oppss.... i must think positive...
chaiyok2, ainul!!!!
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