today i feel so damn tired
but my heart didn't felt too tired
it's weird
i didn't have enough sleep since weeks ago
and i've slept with my laptop n my lights on (i shouldn't have wasted that much of electricity! my current bill had increased rp20k!!)
last night, i only slept for three hours
and i dream of someone that i like soooooooooooooooo much!!!!
in my dream, he was looking for me and when he saw me, he hug me so tight!!
awww shooo shweeettt
i guess i miss him so much.
can u guess who he is???
come on!!!
ok ok
here's his pic!
(yup, i dream of my lil bro. ehe~)
the short dream makes me a lil bit sad at the morning.
maybe i'm homesick
but then i turned it into another feeling and my gloomy day had never been brighter than today!!!!!
even when a guy told me about my old crush (old story la.... and it's funny when he suddenly said "oh... i know u like W")
i was like.... OMG. that was so damn lame, okay?
old crush meant nothing to me now...
syira (my neighbour a.k.a. my friend who's such a good listener) said i should be ashamed or mad at the person who told the guy about my crush.
but i don't even understand why i don't care about people know about me having a crush to a cute guy in my batch.
i guess i have changed
n i'm LOVING it..
no more bad tempered ainul. no more gloomy2 cloud on my head..
i just wanna have beautiful bright sunshine!!!!!
pasal ur old crush tu cam klaka je...hehe
btw i hope i have a dream one like yours!
miss home too!!!
klaka ke?
cerita lame
funny mcm mane leh tibe2 muncul
mmg seronok mimpi c alip golip yg tomey!
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