01 January 2010

010110, 10.10a.m.

010110, 10.10a.m.
a nice moment, it should be..but the fact is, it is just a date..just another year that means we are getting older and older. time shall not wait for no one. future won't hesitate to come and the past will always leave you, no matter how much you want to stop it from walking away.
they say, things will go away when we search for it. just wait and it will come to you.
sometimes i think that statement is true. but in some part, i think it is bullsh**. success won't come by itself, right? 

actually, right now i am feeling a little mixed up. i'm entering the OBGYN department soon and i'm freaked as hell. plus my earphone 'rosak'. arghhh..... how can i live without music? that is the only way for me to loosen up when i'm stressed out! haishs..... what a bad beginning... i'm so afraid i can't stand the 12 hour shift everyday for 11 weeks, but i do welcome the hectic life... easier for me to forget the strings of memories that still hadn't leave, no matter how much i force them out.

ok, i must 'kill' all of the bad thoughts. think positive, ainul. think positive....
there will always be a light in the darkness, right, right?

oh please, please gives me strength to move on, ya ALLAH.


Anonymous said...

epy new year~

mr.kordes said...

beb..no mmg cntik...jgn g tikam pulaks yek!=p

hidup mesti terus doc!heheh....doc mmg best dan rare!

aizza =) said...

kkk epi new year~~
n jgn lperr lak
crikn abg ipar yg baeq2 tau utk adeq!!
azam bru dunia pon bru ;]

aizza =) said...
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ainulrhy said...

-->ayu: epy new year to u too ^.^

--> pakcik: ntah2 nnti u yg g tikam. huahuahua.... best? i mmg best dr dlu lah. lalala~

-->ecah: epi new year adik... erkkk pehal nk abg ipar lak nih? geget karang....