minggu ini
adalah minggu sedih...
adalah minggu penat....
dan minggu yg pnuh dengan cabaran...
tp sekarang xleh crite bnyk2...
sbb esok aku exam dengan dokter yg hanya pernah bg sorg je dpt A....
nk A jugak...
tp mampukah aku?
dahlah aku diundi dengan cara yg sungguh tidak adil...
tp biarlah...
aku redha....
apa jua result aku...
aku redha...
yg pnting hari ni kne blaja bnyk2 n strive giler2!
aku xkn undur sebelum berjuang!
esok lps exam aku akan crite mengenai kisah aku menangis di kantor imigrasi dan aku menangis juga lagi pada hari yg sama kerana ketidakadilan yg mengakibatkan aku bakal diuji oleh dokter yg paling susah bagi orang A di bahagian psikiatri....
doakan kejayaan aku eh?
30 January 2009
26 January 2009
my pillar of my strength
smlm dengar lagu 'wanna go home' sang by michael buble...
slalu dengar yg westlife nyanyi...
tp yg ni ternyata lebih menyentuh perasaan.....
jadi teringat pada keluarga.....
here are some random pics of my familly.....

ini kakak saye dengan anak dia....
bukanla... ini mama saye....
ramai selalu xcaye tgk muke mama..
'mcm mude je' kata mereka..

ini babah saye...
saye bangge dengan ayah saye...
sangat rajin.....
sangat kreatif......
dan sukses!

adik saye si arieff aizuddin a.k.a. ayoot ni terer men game dan sgt excel kt skola integrasi gombak dlu..
skrg kt INTI... 1 thn lg g USA buat engineering....
dia sangatlah cerdik...
dan agak aneh....
sebab hobi dia ialah collect tag roti..
anda boleh lihat di sini
da dkt enam ratus tag roti dia collect....
oh.... sj je tauk gbr dia pkai serban ni...
jgn tertipu, okies?

amierul basyar ini sangat ceria!
tak reti duduk diam dan banyak kerenah...
skrg dia da form four.....
lihat dlm gbr....
takde gigi tp masih senyum tunjuk gigi.....

aizzatul aeisyah...
ecah teman saye di rumah...
sebab adik saye yg len sume lelaki...
dia sgt suke warne merah jambu dan barbie....
sgt2 girlish......
suke berangan dan main2...

alieff imraan atau alip golip...
adik saye yg ni kiut sgt!
mama kate dia macam saye...
banyak mulut.... hihi....
ini semua bukan gmbr terbaru....
nnti saye tauk gbr terbaru, okies?
slalu dengar yg westlife nyanyi...
tp yg ni ternyata lebih menyentuh perasaan.....
jadi teringat pada keluarga.....
here are some random pics of my familly.....

ini kakak saye dengan anak dia....
bukanla... ini mama saye....
ramai selalu xcaye tgk muke mama..
'mcm mude je' kata mereka..

ini babah saye...
saye bangge dengan ayah saye...
sangat rajin.....
sangat kreatif......
dan sukses!

adik saye si arieff aizuddin a.k.a. ayoot ni terer men game dan sgt excel kt skola integrasi gombak dlu..
skrg kt INTI... 1 thn lg g USA buat engineering....
dia sangatlah cerdik...
dan agak aneh....
sebab hobi dia ialah collect tag roti..
anda boleh lihat di sini
da dkt enam ratus tag roti dia collect....
oh.... sj je tauk gbr dia pkai serban ni...
jgn tertipu, okies?
amierul basyar ini sangat ceria!
tak reti duduk diam dan banyak kerenah...
skrg dia da form four.....
lihat dlm gbr....
takde gigi tp masih senyum tunjuk gigi.....

aizzatul aeisyah...
ecah teman saye di rumah...
sebab adik saye yg len sume lelaki...
dia sgt suke warne merah jambu dan barbie....
sgt2 girlish......
suke berangan dan main2...
alieff imraan atau alip golip...
adik saye yg ni kiut sgt!
mama kate dia macam saye...
banyak mulut.... hihi....
ini semua bukan gmbr terbaru....
nnti saye tauk gbr terbaru, okies?
24 January 2009
hate to smile wen my heart is bleeding
today... i present my case n got a very high mark... hihi...
but why???
and why ???
am i still depressed????
i hate to smile and laugh wen my heart is bleeding......
did we really2 had to fall wen we fell in love?
today... i present my case n got a very high mark... hihi...
but why???
and why ???
am i still depressed????
i hate to smile and laugh wen my heart is bleeding......
did we really2 had to fall wen we fell in love?
21 January 2009
aku nk jadi minah rempit... bole x?
smlm tito kul 3pagi sbb siapkn assignment...
mls gile nk wat mende tuh..
nk translate ke bhs indo lg...
pnin pale aku..
mangun kul tujuh...
miss subuh lagik...
nape ngan aku?
bgn je hati dug dag dug dag..
semacam je...
hatiku bertanya 'adekah hr ini xkn lancar mcm biase?'
ah.. abaikan je la perasaan tuh...
kul lapan stengah pg... tunggu kwn aku kt rumah sakit wahidin sbb nk bg dia assignment aku... dia nk g anta kt dokter mintk sign....
tp lembap gile... so aku tingglkn assignment aku kt membe aku kt poliklinik anak...
aku pegi ATM..
nk kua duit.. babah kate da masuk duit ari jumaat aritu....
tp tgk baki tinggl 18,234 rupiah a.k.a. rm3....
duit kat tgn cume rm 2OO...
pdhal hari ini aku perlu rm 3OO!
tepon syira tanye ade extra duit tak....
nk pinjam arini... diakate ade. hehe....
so aku pun pegila rumah sakit daya...
msk rumah sakit... tatau poli jiwa ktne...
tibe2 nmpk kertas bertulis 'poli pindah ke bangunan baru'
oh... ade bgnn baru ke?
so aku pun g bgnn cntik yg mcm br je bln lps siap...
msk dlm poli, dokter belum sampai...
tunggu smpai kul spulo..
dokter masih takde...
'hari ini ada confrerence' kata temanku..
oh, ye tak ye gak, eh...
mksudnye dokter xkn dtg...
confrence slalu abih kul sbelas lbih...
aku da plan ngan syira nk g imigresen hari ni...
terpakse la mintak izin kt dokter via sms..
'pagi, doc... saya koas jiwa yang stase di poli daya' hari ini... bisa ndak sy minta izin ke kantor imigrasi utk membayar uang KITAS?'
aku lock keypad tepon. tunggu sampai fon aku bunyik 'tweet twettt... sms......'
dokter reply 'pergi mi adek'
aku senyum...
pergi imigresen...
nk byr KITAS a.k.a Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas..
stahun skali kne buat mende tuh yg berharga rp tujuh ratus ribu!
mhl nak mampos..
g kat kaunter, bg name... pastu dia suro tunggu...
pastu dia panggil, suro aku bayar...
kne tunggu lagi..
resit da siap....
tunggu lagi....
g amik gbr n cop jari pkai komputer... canggih gak skrg.... mantap...
'di malaysia ndak ada begini, toh?'
kata petugas itu, bangga..
aku mls nk lyn....
senyum je....
pastu dia suro aku tunggu lg....
aku ni penunggu ke????
pastu dia panggil suwo sign.....
n dia kate dtg lg minggu dpn...
sminggu lg br siap..
da la lembap...
asik suwo aku tunggu...
pastu next week br siap?
aku nk blk dua minggu lagi dan aku kne wat erp a.k.a. exit reentry permit....
mende tu kne tunggu tiga hari untuk proses..
kalau rabu next week br siap....
bile aku nk wat erp tu pulak??
aku nk nanes dpn ptugas tuh...
'itu bukan masalah, saya..' jawabnya selamba...
aku tensen...
so aku sms mama 'doakan urusan kkk nk blk lancar eh, mama? org imigresen lembap. dlu tiga ari leh siap.. skrg da canggih n mhl sminggu br siap. huwaaa'
dlu rp 4OO ribu jer...
skrg da la mahal....
ee grm btul....
sbb ni la aku mls nk blk.. urus imigresyen mmg susah..
kne bnyk kali pegi....
kne bnyk menunggu...
blk bilik...cube nk tito tp xle...
tibe2 kwn aku tepon....
dia kate dokter nk jumpe kt fac... nk sign assignment aku n nk komen2 sket...
aku bgn ngan mls....
naik pete2 lembap....
sampai je dokter da cek n conteng assignment aku mcm2....
kitorg duduk dlm kete dia sbb dia kate kt lua panas...
xde aircond...
aku tgk je dia conteng assignment aku sambil mengangguk2...
bnyknye kne repair!
pastu diaamik assigment aku lg satu... dia belek2...
'yang ini bagus! fotokopikan utk saya, ya'
aku sengih....
tak sia2 aku tito kul 3...
sbenanye tito lmbt sbb wat kje smbil tgk 'scrubs season five'
dokter anta aku blk ngan kete dia... save duit aku.. huhu....
kt blik aku cube tito lg...
tp xle..
mintak kabel tenet kt baji...
kitorg share cable...
aku plan nk wat research lg...
nk repair assignment..
tp mls...
so aku main2....
bace blog.. update blog....
YM dgn org yg aku xknal.. voice chat n nyanyi2 dlm room wlaupun sore aku xbest.....
nape bile aku ckp aku amik medik sume ingt aku amik nursing???
len kali aku nk ckp aku ni minah rempit, la...
mls gile nk wat mende tuh..
nk translate ke bhs indo lg...
pnin pale aku..
mangun kul tujuh...
miss subuh lagik...
nape ngan aku?
bgn je hati dug dag dug dag..
semacam je...
hatiku bertanya 'adekah hr ini xkn lancar mcm biase?'
ah.. abaikan je la perasaan tuh...
kul lapan stengah pg... tunggu kwn aku kt rumah sakit wahidin sbb nk bg dia assignment aku... dia nk g anta kt dokter mintk sign....
tp lembap gile... so aku tingglkn assignment aku kt membe aku kt poliklinik anak...
aku pegi ATM..
nk kua duit.. babah kate da masuk duit ari jumaat aritu....
tp tgk baki tinggl 18,234 rupiah a.k.a. rm3....
duit kat tgn cume rm 2OO...
pdhal hari ini aku perlu rm 3OO!
tepon syira tanye ade extra duit tak....
nk pinjam arini... diakate ade. hehe....
so aku pun pegila rumah sakit daya...
msk rumah sakit... tatau poli jiwa ktne...
tibe2 nmpk kertas bertulis 'poli pindah ke bangunan baru'
oh... ade bgnn baru ke?
so aku pun g bgnn cntik yg mcm br je bln lps siap...
msk dlm poli, dokter belum sampai...
tunggu smpai kul spulo..
dokter masih takde...
'hari ini ada confrerence' kata temanku..
oh, ye tak ye gak, eh...
mksudnye dokter xkn dtg...
confrence slalu abih kul sbelas lbih...
aku da plan ngan syira nk g imigresen hari ni...
terpakse la mintak izin kt dokter via sms..
'pagi, doc... saya koas jiwa yang stase di poli daya' hari ini... bisa ndak sy minta izin ke kantor imigrasi utk membayar uang KITAS?'
aku lock keypad tepon. tunggu sampai fon aku bunyik 'tweet twettt... sms......'
dokter reply 'pergi mi adek'
aku senyum...
pergi imigresen...
nk byr KITAS a.k.a Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas..
stahun skali kne buat mende tuh yg berharga rp tujuh ratus ribu!
mhl nak mampos..
g kat kaunter, bg name... pastu dia suro tunggu...
pastu dia panggil, suro aku bayar...
kne tunggu lagi..
resit da siap....
tunggu lagi....
g amik gbr n cop jari pkai komputer... canggih gak skrg.... mantap...
'di malaysia ndak ada begini, toh?'
kata petugas itu, bangga..
aku mls nk lyn....
senyum je....
pastu dia suro aku tunggu lg....
aku ni penunggu ke????
pastu dia panggil suwo sign.....
n dia kate dtg lg minggu dpn...
sminggu lg br siap..
da la lembap...
asik suwo aku tunggu...
pastu next week br siap?
aku nk blk dua minggu lagi dan aku kne wat erp a.k.a. exit reentry permit....
mende tu kne tunggu tiga hari untuk proses..
kalau rabu next week br siap....
bile aku nk wat erp tu pulak??
aku nk nanes dpn ptugas tuh...
'itu bukan masalah, saya..' jawabnya selamba...
aku tensen...
so aku sms mama 'doakan urusan kkk nk blk lancar eh, mama? org imigresen lembap. dlu tiga ari leh siap.. skrg da canggih n mhl sminggu br siap. huwaaa'
dlu rp 4OO ribu jer...
skrg da la mahal....
ee grm btul....
sbb ni la aku mls nk blk.. urus imigresyen mmg susah..
kne bnyk kali pegi....
kne bnyk menunggu...
blk bilik...cube nk tito tp xle...
tibe2 kwn aku tepon....
dia kate dokter nk jumpe kt fac... nk sign assignment aku n nk komen2 sket...
aku bgn ngan mls....
naik pete2 lembap....
sampai je dokter da cek n conteng assignment aku mcm2....
kitorg duduk dlm kete dia sbb dia kate kt lua panas...
xde aircond...
aku tgk je dia conteng assignment aku sambil mengangguk2...
bnyknye kne repair!
pastu diaamik assigment aku lg satu... dia belek2...
'yang ini bagus! fotokopikan utk saya, ya'
aku sengih....
tak sia2 aku tito kul 3...
sbenanye tito lmbt sbb wat kje smbil tgk 'scrubs season five'
dokter anta aku blk ngan kete dia... save duit aku.. huhu....
kt blik aku cube tito lg...
tp xle..
mintak kabel tenet kt baji...
kitorg share cable...
aku plan nk wat research lg...
nk repair assignment..
tp mls...
so aku main2....
bace blog.. update blog....
YM dgn org yg aku xknal.. voice chat n nyanyi2 dlm room wlaupun sore aku xbest.....
nape bile aku ckp aku amik medik sume ingt aku amik nursing???
len kali aku nk ckp aku ni minah rempit, la...
19 January 2009
i'm coming home!
wait for me, ok?
i'll go home diz 2nd of Feb till 11th of Feb!
yeah, only for a short while...
cuz i had to continue my clinical at the Internal Medicine Department...
mummy said 'come home fast.. help mummy repacking'
for ur info...
right now, my family lives in MERSING..
yeah.... it's far from town..
n too far from KL!
oh... how can i live there???
mummy said we had to clean up our home at Selayang too.
cuz a new tenant wanna move in...
the last tenant had moved last month...
i hope we can spent more time at selayang..
then i can meet my friends and of cuz, my special boy!
I'm sure maybe u guys have been wondering who is my new boyfriend...
I've been single since half a year...
and i thought I'm not gonna attached to anyone until i become a doctor..
but somehow...
i met him..
and shines my day...
he loves my smile so he always makes me smile.. and laugh..
oh, i'm in love.....
u ask me 'who is he?'
well... don't wanna tell u now..
i wanna take our picture together first...
cuz i'm sure u guys wouldn't believe me if i show u his pic..
cuz he's so damn handsome!
oh, i can't wait to meet da great guy who had stolen my heart...
wait for me, ok?
i'll go home diz 2nd of Feb till 11th of Feb!
yeah, only for a short while...
cuz i had to continue my clinical at the Internal Medicine Department...
mummy said 'come home fast.. help mummy repacking'
for ur info...
right now, my family lives in MERSING..
yeah.... it's far from town..
n too far from KL!
oh... how can i live there???
mummy said we had to clean up our home at Selayang too.
cuz a new tenant wanna move in...
the last tenant had moved last month...
i hope we can spent more time at selayang..
then i can meet my friends and of cuz, my special boy!
I'm sure maybe u guys have been wondering who is my new boyfriend...
I've been single since half a year...
and i thought I'm not gonna attached to anyone until i become a doctor..
but somehow...
i met him..
and shines my day...
he loves my smile so he always makes me smile.. and laugh..
oh, i'm in love.....
u ask me 'who is he?'
well... don't wanna tell u now..
i wanna take our picture together first...
cuz i'm sure u guys wouldn't believe me if i show u his pic..
cuz he's so damn handsome!
oh, i can't wait to meet da great guy who had stolen my heart...
18 January 2009
my best friend is going to be a wife!
today i've got a wedding invitation via friendster..
p.s. i miss all of my coopers friend at MRSM bp...
seeing the msg titled 'walimatul urus', i thought it's just a prank...
but when i saw the sender...
oh, it's Finas! my best friend at the MRSM balik pulau!
she's gonna marry diz fifteenth feb!
congrats my dear friend..
it's been four years since we haven't met...
she was studying in Australia while i'm at Indonesia..
i really2 wanna go to her wedding!
but what makes me so sad is dat i'm going home this 2nd of feb till 11th feb!
on the 15th, i'm gonna start my clinical at the internal medicine department!
how i wish i could see her on her wedding day....
p.s. i miss all of my coopers friend at MRSM bp...
they are my family there...
they are da pillar of my strength......
da sunshine of my happines...
and da expunger of my sadness.......
14 January 2009
anda depresi?
dah tiga hari kat poliklinik jiwa..
stress sebab xde status patient non psychotic lagi...
oleh kerana itu, izinkan aku menulis gejala salah satu penyakit non psychotic, yaitu depresi..
ini aku ciplak dari buku 'penggunaan klinis obat psikotropik' nukilan dr. Rusdi Maslim, sp KJ.
semoga bermanfaat..
butir diagnostik sindrom depresi
A. Selama paling sedikit 2 minggu dan hampir setiap hari mengalami:
1. rasa hati yang murung
2. hilang minat dan rasa senang
3. kurang tenaga hingga mudah lelah dan kendur kegiatan
B. Keadaan di atas disertai gejala
1. penurunan konsentrasi pikiran dan perhatian
2. pengurangan rasa harga diri dan percaya diri
3. pikiran perihal dosa dan diri tidak berguna lagi
4. pandangan suram dan pesismistik terhadap masa depan
5. gagasan atau tindakan mencederai atau bunuh diri
6. gangguan tidur
7. pengurangan nafsu makan
jika anda ada gejala berikut, silalah ke Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi...
saya dengan berbesar hati akan mewawancara anda..
p.s. pernah depresi ringan dlu mase kat MRSM...
stress sebab xde status patient non psychotic lagi...
oleh kerana itu, izinkan aku menulis gejala salah satu penyakit non psychotic, yaitu depresi..
ini aku ciplak dari buku 'penggunaan klinis obat psikotropik' nukilan dr. Rusdi Maslim, sp KJ.
semoga bermanfaat..
butir diagnostik sindrom depresi
A. Selama paling sedikit 2 minggu dan hampir setiap hari mengalami:
1. rasa hati yang murung
2. hilang minat dan rasa senang
3. kurang tenaga hingga mudah lelah dan kendur kegiatan
B. Keadaan di atas disertai gejala
1. penurunan konsentrasi pikiran dan perhatian
2. pengurangan rasa harga diri dan percaya diri
3. pikiran perihal dosa dan diri tidak berguna lagi
4. pandangan suram dan pesismistik terhadap masa depan
5. gagasan atau tindakan mencederai atau bunuh diri
6. gangguan tidur
7. pengurangan nafsu makan
jika anda ada gejala berikut, silalah ke Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi...
saya dengan berbesar hati akan mewawancara anda..
p.s. pernah depresi ringan dlu mase kat MRSM...
12 January 2009
i like crazy people!
no... i'm not joking...
everyday, i woke up at five thirty a.m. and get dressed.
at six thirty, i walk ten minutes and then took a pete2.
i'll reach my stop after about fourty five minutes.
then i had to walk again...
the trip makes me exhausted....
but when i've reached the mental hospital, the patients waved at me and smile at me.
some even called my name....
at that time, i felt so special...
though they are schizophrenic or maniac, they brings joy to my life...
and believe it or not, most of psycho patients are very truthful..
they seldom lie....
sometimes they denied their actions..
but some confidently tell us that they saw hallucinations....

me with a maniac patient. she kept asking me to take her picture... i like her.. she's very friendly.... but sad though.... her parents said she started becoming 'euphoric' or too happy since her boyfriends' family rejected her... now this girl talks very fast and sometimes very LOUD. first time i met her i thought she's normal. she smiled and walks towards me. then she said 'hye doctor. my name is waani inkuntum taklamun yang artinya al quran ayu di seluruh alam semesta ini'... oh.. poor girl.... i hope she can get well soon.....
today a guy was admitted to the hospital and he speaks Malay. the doctor couldn't understand him so i helped the doctor by translating what the patients said. he believed that he's the creator of US dollar! haha...... the guy had been working at Malaysia for almost twenty years. when he comes back here last month, he was already crazy....
then the resident asked me 'why did many TKI in Malaysia comes back to Indonesia with psychologic problems?'
TKI stands for 'tenaga kerja indonesia', a term for Indonesian citizens who works overseas.
the resident said some comes back with nothing... no money and no belongings... some were cheated... and some like the guy who was just admitted > 'patients with
unknown stressors'
did anyone knows why?
everyday, i woke up at five thirty a.m. and get dressed.
at six thirty, i walk ten minutes and then took a pete2.
i'll reach my stop after about fourty five minutes.
then i had to walk again...
the trip makes me exhausted....
but when i've reached the mental hospital, the patients waved at me and smile at me.
some even called my name....
at that time, i felt so special...
though they are schizophrenic or maniac, they brings joy to my life...
and believe it or not, most of psycho patients are very truthful..
they seldom lie....
sometimes they denied their actions..
but some confidently tell us that they saw hallucinations....

me with a maniac patient. she kept asking me to take her picture... i like her.. she's very friendly.... but sad though.... her parents said she started becoming 'euphoric' or too happy since her boyfriends' family rejected her... now this girl talks very fast and sometimes very LOUD. first time i met her i thought she's normal. she smiled and walks towards me. then she said 'hye doctor. my name is waani inkuntum taklamun yang artinya al quran ayu di seluruh alam semesta ini'... oh.. poor girl.... i hope she can get well soon.....
today a guy was admitted to the hospital and he speaks Malay. the doctor couldn't understand him so i helped the doctor by translating what the patients said. he believed that he's the creator of US dollar! haha...... the guy had been working at Malaysia for almost twenty years. when he comes back here last month, he was already crazy....
then the resident asked me 'why did many TKI in Malaysia comes back to Indonesia with psychologic problems?'
TKI stands for 'tenaga kerja indonesia', a term for Indonesian citizens who works overseas.
the resident said some comes back with nothing... no money and no belongings... some were cheated... and some like the guy who was just admitted > 'patients with
unknown stressors'
did anyone knows why?
06 January 2009
psycho ward
this month i'm posting at the psychiatric ward..
yeah, CRAZY, right?
today is da second day i'm at the place..
i was assigned at the guy's place..
and they are kinda cute...
they sang songs for me and my friends..
they even dance...
some are handsome!!
pity them..
most of them look like a normal person...
i almost cried when one of them cried 'i'm not crazy!'
and then he started to become mad.
you know what's the most funny part?
his friends sing 'oorang gila... ooorang gila'
just like little kids teasing a crazy guys.
sooo cute!!
ok, i know it's not kind to laugh at them
but most of them like it when we smile at them..
and then they'll started to give us their hand and said
"hye, beautiful doctor. can we be friends?"
once my friend send this sms to me
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what you are
and if you wonder what you are
mental hospital is not too far
03 January 2009
Girls bbq day out!
Yesterday, the muslimah from IMAM community organized an outing at Tanjung Bayang, Makassar
before i show you pics of Tanjung Bayang, i'll show you da beautiful Tanjung Bira first.
ok, enough with Tanjung Bira..
Though it's not the 'clear water and white sand' type of beach like Tanjung Bira beach, i still loves the windy wind and the lovely sound of the waves.
before i show you pics of Tanjung Bayang, i'll show you da beautiful Tanjung Bira first.
i simply fell in love with this place!
see.... da water is so clear!!!
and da sand is so white! it is also sooooooooooooo soft!
oh, i love this heaven soooooooooooo much!!!!!
ok, enough with Tanjung Bira..
let us talk about Tanjung Bayang, ok?
all for rp 1OOO! come! come! buy now before their owner comes!
main reason i join this trip... wanna take lots n lots of picture!! haha..
p.s. the hat belongs to Halaa...
some girls played with a basketball....
while the others played the 'cap kali cap' game.
it's so funny!
the only rule is you must follow the steps of the person next to u...
not too hard at da beginning...
but when da rhytm becomes faster, see who lose first!
but when da rhytm becomes faster, see who lose first!
a 'sand castle' builts by a little boy.. he's so shy...
oh, suddenly i remember when i was in standard school..
lemme go back to da past, plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!
did i mention it's a BBQ day out??? yeah! BBQ! delicious chickens and fishes!!!!! so nyam nyam....
after tired taking pics and playing games....
it's da time for one of the most amazing view in da world...
we perform 'solat' at da beach, n it is soooo peaceful....
yeah, we should enjoy our life and always laugh and smile...
but we must never forget our CREATOR..
He who creates everything we see, smell and touch.....
and last but not least.....
we must never forget to appreciate those beside us....
02 January 2009
pete pete
Makassar is a hot and humid place
But since days ago, almost everyday rains came pouring down…
The cold weather gave me a ‘gift’
Now I have a ‘weird but sexy’ voice.
Haha.. I caught flu… and I cough too. A dry cough that hurts a lot…
I hate being sick.
But who likes it anyway?
Though I felt not so well today, I've decided to follow Farzaana to the mall today.
Yeah, call me crazy.
I AM crazy.. Hehe…
After dressing up, i went out from my room and take a peek at the pond in front of my room..

i like it better when the grass covered the whole area.... it soothes my heart and gives me some tranquility.

This is called RUSUN, a short term for rumah susun. There are four blocks, each named by da name of flowers.
A for anggerik, b for bougenville, c for cempaka and d for dahlia.

See da circle? Dats my room! Huhu..

to reach the main road, we had to walk a little bit. it's not too far. we can see the RUSUN from the road. but still, it's a good exercise for busy future docs like us.
The main public transportation in Makassar is a van called pete-pete, pronounced pay tek

this is the view inside the pete pete.

my fav fake prada bag. oops... i know i know. we musn't buy da fake stuffs... but i love it soooooooo much!
One thing unique about this thing is dat the door is never closed except when it rains.
Yeah, it moves with an open door!

It’s quite dangerous, but sometimes I enjoy sitting near da door cuz I can enjoy a fresh breeze of the air… hehe
It’s very cheap travelling by pete pete. Only rp 3OOO per person.
Pete pete are coded with some numbers. For example if you wanna go to panakkukang Mall, you must take the one with thenumber O7. just like buses.
However, the pete pete will not stop at the mall.
We had to take a rickshaw to reach the mall.

the rickshaw from the stop to the mall cost rp 6OOO.
Usually it only cost us rp 5OOO.
if the rickshaw man still wants rp 6OOO, I'll just walk away and find another rick shaw.
But today because of the rain, I just agreed.
Pity the guy who carry us. He doesn’t even wore rain coats.
These guys are tough. They work no matter if the sun is striking hot or the rain is pouring.
since it was raining, there's a plastic cover in front of us to keep us dry.

a peek from inside the rickshaw.
anyway, ever see a rickshaw attached to a motorcycle?
it's so unique!

it's rare. and i only had ride on it once.
When we reach the mall,, we were almost shivering with cold. So we ate first and then do some shoe shopping!

i hate sales. they makes me wanna buy everything. hehe...

after hours searching for da perfect shoes, it's time for some groceries!

some of the stuffs dat i bought on the conveyer belt.
my fav choc is a must. silverqueen dark choc is sooooooooooooooo delicious!
since we are tired of walking and were carrying so much plastic bags, we took a taxi to go home.
the RUSUN is a fifth storey apartment. and my room is located on da third floor.
still, sometimes i wish there's an elevator. hehe..
when i've reached RUSUN, i saw nadia with a cute pink umbrella.. she just come back from the stores nearby.
her umbrella matches my outfit.. but cuz da light is not good, it looks white and not interesting. sigh...

i like my cardigan so much!
i bought it when i went to Jakarta for only rp 1OOk!
there's only one of it and i never found it elsewhere...
oh how i wish there's more!
when i've reached my lovely room, i switched on bessie my radio and hear a beautiful song..
ever heard of never be replaced sang by First Lady?
well, i like da boy version better!
my ex bf loves da real version so much...
and when i hear the lyrics, i cry a little...
[Intro]uhh...how could she?
why would she?*sighs*
[Chorus]Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
[VerseI]Damn, oh this girl she really had me thinking
Making her the more reason the future we'd be living.
Togther, and I know it wouldn't be forever
Cause I know good things don't last long
But we could've made it further.
All the things you told me,
All were lies I know,
Cuz if you felt how you said you felt
You just couldn't let me go.
Without a single reason
Not even a single fight
You gave the best of my life,
But with the lonliest nights.
I got it bad,
No I got it even worst then even Usher.
Cuz even though you did you I can't let go
No, I know it's not supposed to come back
I know that you wont
I know that you left and never coming back.
Except the fact that your gone
[Chorus]Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
It's over...
for the guy who like da real version of this song, i hope u are happy now with your dream girl...
yeah, i know you hate me....
but still,
i know...
we can never forget da three years we've spent together......
But since days ago, almost everyday rains came pouring down…
The cold weather gave me a ‘gift’
Now I have a ‘weird but sexy’ voice.
Haha.. I caught flu… and I cough too. A dry cough that hurts a lot…
I hate being sick.
But who likes it anyway?
Though I felt not so well today, I've decided to follow Farzaana to the mall today.
Yeah, call me crazy.
I AM crazy.. Hehe…
After dressing up, i went out from my room and take a peek at the pond in front of my room..

i like it better when the grass covered the whole area.... it soothes my heart and gives me some tranquility.

This is called RUSUN, a short term for rumah susun. There are four blocks, each named by da name of flowers.
A for anggerik, b for bougenville, c for cempaka and d for dahlia.

See da circle? Dats my room! Huhu..

to reach the main road, we had to walk a little bit. it's not too far. we can see the RUSUN from the road. but still, it's a good exercise for busy future docs like us.
The main public transportation in Makassar is a van called pete-pete, pronounced pay tek

this is the view inside the pete pete.

my fav fake prada bag. oops... i know i know. we musn't buy da fake stuffs... but i love it soooooooo much!
One thing unique about this thing is dat the door is never closed except when it rains.
Yeah, it moves with an open door!

It’s quite dangerous, but sometimes I enjoy sitting near da door cuz I can enjoy a fresh breeze of the air… hehe
It’s very cheap travelling by pete pete. Only rp 3OOO per person.
Pete pete are coded with some numbers. For example if you wanna go to panakkukang Mall, you must take the one with thenumber O7. just like buses.
However, the pete pete will not stop at the mall.
We had to take a rickshaw to reach the mall.

the rickshaw from the stop to the mall cost rp 6OOO.
Usually it only cost us rp 5OOO.
if the rickshaw man still wants rp 6OOO, I'll just walk away and find another rick shaw.
But today because of the rain, I just agreed.
Pity the guy who carry us. He doesn’t even wore rain coats.
These guys are tough. They work no matter if the sun is striking hot or the rain is pouring.
since it was raining, there's a plastic cover in front of us to keep us dry.

a peek from inside the rickshaw.
anyway, ever see a rickshaw attached to a motorcycle?
it's so unique!

it's rare. and i only had ride on it once.
When we reach the mall,, we were almost shivering with cold. So we ate first and then do some shoe shopping!

i hate sales. they makes me wanna buy everything. hehe...

after hours searching for da perfect shoes, it's time for some groceries!

some of the stuffs dat i bought on the conveyer belt.
my fav choc is a must. silverqueen dark choc is sooooooooooooooo delicious!
since we are tired of walking and were carrying so much plastic bags, we took a taxi to go home.
the RUSUN is a fifth storey apartment. and my room is located on da third floor.
still, sometimes i wish there's an elevator. hehe..
when i've reached RUSUN, i saw nadia with a cute pink umbrella.. she just come back from the stores nearby.
her umbrella matches my outfit.. but cuz da light is not good, it looks white and not interesting. sigh...

i like my cardigan so much!
i bought it when i went to Jakarta for only rp 1OOk!
there's only one of it and i never found it elsewhere...
oh how i wish there's more!
when i've reached my lovely room, i switched on bessie my radio and hear a beautiful song..
ever heard of never be replaced sang by First Lady?
well, i like da boy version better!
my ex bf loves da real version so much...
and when i hear the lyrics, i cry a little...
[Intro]uhh...how could she?
why would she?*sighs*
[Chorus]Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
[VerseI]Damn, oh this girl she really had me thinking
Making her the more reason the future we'd be living.
Togther, and I know it wouldn't be forever
Cause I know good things don't last long
But we could've made it further.
All the things you told me,
All were lies I know,
Cuz if you felt how you said you felt
You just couldn't let me go.
Without a single reason
Not even a single fight
You gave the best of my life,
But with the lonliest nights.
I got it bad,
No I got it even worst then even Usher.
Cuz even though you did you I can't let go
No, I know it's not supposed to come back
I know that you wont
I know that you left and never coming back.
Except the fact that your gone
[Chorus]Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I Loved You
Why did you let me go?
Yes it hurts me
But I still want you to know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that you will never be replaced
It's over...
for the guy who like da real version of this song, i hope u are happy now with your dream girl...
yeah, i know you hate me....
but still,
i know...
we can never forget da three years we've spent together......
01 January 2009
Hallmark of medicine

Ever found any medical students without big and heavy books?
And meds students are always da nerdy and ‘schematic’ one.
Am I one of them?

I refuse to include myself in this group but sometimes I did talk about medicine during lunch.
And I think only da nerdies do that.
Ok, no offense nerdy gang!
You guys rock!

Beautiful mind is just so sexy… yeah, dats what I think.
Oh, did I laugh to much? Sorry….
C my books?

And to think dat some of my friends got twice of my collections!
Medical books is kinda expensive…
Da cheapest we can find is at Kamal’s store, which is located near HBKL and it looks like a grocery store.
It’s true! They sell newspaper, sweets and breads at the front!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw lots and lots of medical books at da back.
It’s unbelievable!

perhaps you'll wonder, did we ever finishes reading all those stuffs?
well, da honest answer is a definite NO!
maybe there is someone who can read all of them from front to end....
but all of those books are very useful!
and we do need all of them!
p.s. thank god i love reading. if not i'll die just by looking at those books!
and guys, i know that this doesn't have any connection with the title but i guess it's important to wish you a
"Happy New Year!"
why i didn't write my new year wish in my blog?
well, there isn't one...... yet...
i dunno..
my inner voice says dat new year's wish is kinda lame...
but it's a good motivator, right!
ok, ok, i'll think of my wish tomorrow!
Islamic Talent Night
For almost a week, lots of activities had been held by da pkpmi Makassar, da malaysian student community in Makassar. And tonight, da peak of the week had arrived. Islamic talent night was held at LT 5 a.k.a lecture theater from seven pm till half past ten . And it’s a very enjoyable night!I enjoyed it very much!

some of the malaysian students in Makassar that come to the event.

since we arrived early, me n nadia took da time to camwhore a lil bit. hehe...
at half past seven, the event started. There are nasyid performances, multimedia shows, lots of prizes and of course, foods!
The MC’s are kinda funny. One of them was speaking in Malay while the other was speaking in Arabic! I didn’t understand even one of his words. Thankfully the other guy translates it. It’s a good gimmick, though.
First to perform was the batch of O8. They have beautiful voice. Like a lullaby your mum used to sang. Not sleepy! No, I didn’t mean that. It’s a good show, lah! hehe

Next the O7 batch. They also have a voice that can melt any girls heart. But the most interesting in this group is the ‘drum guy’. Oh, he’s da best! I was amazed by his superb and heart throbbing skils!

I enjoyed the O6 batch performance da most. Their first song was OK. But before da second song they all started to wore sunglasses! And they look so cute singing a youthful song with funny moves. I couldn’t stop laughing all da time!

Can you guess which group is da winner? Hrm… c’mon! guess now!
It’s batch O7 !!!!!!!! yeay!!!!!!!!!

The multimedia shows stunned me. I couldn’t believe that it was made by my friends! The girls from the batch O6 are so damn creative!

Then, it’s the prize giving time! There are oodles of winners cuz there’s lots of activities such as Road Relay, Quiz, photo competition, short story writing and poem writing contest. As usual, the pre clinical students ‘grabbed’ all of the prizes. But some of clinical students even won the first place! Yeah, busy is not the reason for not joining the competition. If there’s a will, there’s a way right? Come to think of it, I was free last week. Why on earth didn’t I join those competitions? Huhu.. Oh yeah.. Now I remember. I was in lazy mode last week. Hehehehhehehehe…….
I went home dat night with a light feeling and a good mood. Not that I was in a bad mood before I went to the LT. hehe. But I do enjoy da night.
When I think back about the whole night, I figured that it’s not only the performances that makes me happy. When I saw the other Malaysians, the juniors, the seniors and the people from my own beloved batch, i felt a glimpse of happiness. It’s not easy for us to meet each other, let alone sit together and enjoy ourselves. I guess we were all busy with our own schedules that it’s even hard to meet our own neighbor! hehe...
oklah, dats all for now....
some of the malaysian students in Makassar that come to the event.
since we arrived early, me n nadia took da time to camwhore a lil bit. hehe...
at half past seven, the event started. There are nasyid performances, multimedia shows, lots of prizes and of course, foods!
The MC’s are kinda funny. One of them was speaking in Malay while the other was speaking in Arabic! I didn’t understand even one of his words. Thankfully the other guy translates it. It’s a good gimmick, though.
First to perform was the batch of O8. They have beautiful voice. Like a lullaby your mum used to sang. Not sleepy! No, I didn’t mean that. It’s a good show, lah! hehe
Next the O7 batch. They also have a voice that can melt any girls heart. But the most interesting in this group is the ‘drum guy’. Oh, he’s da best! I was amazed by his superb and heart throbbing skils!
I enjoyed the O6 batch performance da most. Their first song was OK. But before da second song they all started to wore sunglasses! And they look so cute singing a youthful song with funny moves. I couldn’t stop laughing all da time!
Can you guess which group is da winner? Hrm… c’mon! guess now!
It’s batch O7 !!!!!!!! yeay!!!!!!!!!
The multimedia shows stunned me. I couldn’t believe that it was made by my friends! The girls from the batch O6 are so damn creative!
Then, it’s the prize giving time! There are oodles of winners cuz there’s lots of activities such as Road Relay, Quiz, photo competition, short story writing and poem writing contest. As usual, the pre clinical students ‘grabbed’ all of the prizes. But some of clinical students even won the first place! Yeah, busy is not the reason for not joining the competition. If there’s a will, there’s a way right? Come to think of it, I was free last week. Why on earth didn’t I join those competitions? Huhu.. Oh yeah.. Now I remember. I was in lazy mode last week. Hehehehhehehehe…….
I went home dat night with a light feeling and a good mood. Not that I was in a bad mood before I went to the LT. hehe. But I do enjoy da night.
When I think back about the whole night, I figured that it’s not only the performances that makes me happy. When I saw the other Malaysians, the juniors, the seniors and the people from my own beloved batch, i felt a glimpse of happiness. It’s not easy for us to meet each other, let alone sit together and enjoy ourselves. I guess we were all busy with our own schedules that it’s even hard to meet our own neighbor! hehe...
oklah, dats all for now....
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