03 January 2009

Girls bbq day out!

Yesterday, the muslimah from IMAM community organized an outing at Tanjung Bayang, Makassar

Though it's not the 'clear water and white sand' type of beach like Tanjung Bira beach, i still loves the windy wind and the lovely sound of the waves.

before i show you pics of Tanjung Bayang, i'll show you da beautiful Tanjung Bira first.

i simply fell in love with this place!
see.... da water is so clear!!!

and da sand is so white! it is also sooooooooooooo soft!

oh, i love this heaven soooooooooooo much!!!!!

ok, enough with Tanjung Bira..

let us talk about Tanjung Bayang, ok?

ok, no need to compare... i know...

asma' looked so cute with her pink 'telekung'.

shoes! shoes! lovely ladies shoes and sandals!
all for rp 1OOO! come! come! buy now before their owner comes!

big feet.. huhu..

i like......

main reason i join this trip... wanna take lots n lots of picture!! haha..
p.s. the hat belongs to Halaa...
some girls played with a basketball....

while the others played the 'cap kali cap' game.
it's so funny!
the only rule is you must follow the steps of the person next to u...
not too hard at da beginning...
but when da rhytm becomes faster, see who lose first!

a 'sand castle' builts by a little boy.. he's so shy...

remember when was da last time u do this?
oh, suddenly i remember when i was in standard school..
lemme go back to da past, plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!

did i mention it's a BBQ day out??? yeah! BBQ! delicious chickens and fishes!!!!! so nyam nyam....

after tired taking pics and playing games....
it's da time for one of the most amazing view in da world...

we perform 'solat' at da beach, n it is soooo peaceful....
yeah, we should enjoy our life and always laugh and smile...
but we must never forget our CREATOR..
He who creates everything we see, smell and touch.....
and last but not least.....
we must never forget to appreciate those beside us....
for without them.... our life will be dull.................


Anonymous said...

not only my hat, u also sell my shoes~? omg~ i should peek outside my door to see if they r still available there. hehehe...

ainulrhy said...

check ur door!
i've stolen ur blue crocs!

Ili Khalil said...

Solat kat tepi laut jemaah.. Tak penah buat lagi..

ainulrhy said...

pna gak kiotrg wat solat jemaah subuh kt tanjung bira....
itulah saat solat yg paling berkesan dlm idup saye...
dengan soundtrack ombak dan angin yg lembut... sungguh tenang..

ainulrhy said...

haha.. eja kitorg pun salah.... isk... ape nk jd la aku ni...

amunx said...

:: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kagumnyeee... sampai ke makassar... lautnya indah... dah lama teringin nak gi sana...

ainulrhy said...

tnjung bira tu empat jam dr sni...
pnat nk g sane dari mkssr ni...
tp kerana cinta sy pd Bira sy pegi sane tiga kali..
pecayelah, xde sape lebih gila dr saye g sane lbih skali....


Ili Khalil said...

Aik? Encik Alien ada kat sini? For your info Ary, Encik Alien macam sangat adore negara Indonesia. Dia penah dok Yogja. And selalu cerita pasal sana.

ainulrhy said...

oo gitu upenyeee...
kalau nk dikatakan cantik... ye mmg bnyk tmpt yg blum diteroka yg mnarik kt sni....
tp kalo kt bandar.. kene slalu tutup mata, tutup tlinge dan tutup idung...