everyday, i woke up at five thirty a.m. and get dressed.
at six thirty, i walk ten minutes and then took a pete2.
i'll reach my stop after about fourty five minutes.
then i had to walk again...
the trip makes me exhausted....
but when i've reached the mental hospital, the patients waved at me and smile at me.
some even called my name....
at that time, i felt so special...
though they are schizophrenic or maniac, they brings joy to my life...
and believe it or not, most of psycho patients are very truthful..
they seldom lie....
sometimes they denied their actions..
but some confidently tell us that they saw hallucinations....

me with a maniac patient. she kept asking me to take her picture... i like her.. she's very friendly.... but sad though.... her parents said she started becoming 'euphoric' or too happy since her boyfriends' family rejected her... now this girl talks very fast and sometimes very LOUD. first time i met her i thought she's normal. she smiled and walks towards me. then she said 'hye doctor. my name is waani inkuntum taklamun yang artinya al quran ayu di seluruh alam semesta ini'... oh.. poor girl.... i hope she can get well soon.....
today a guy was admitted to the hospital and he speaks Malay. the doctor couldn't understand him so i helped the doctor by translating what the patients said. he believed that he's the creator of US dollar! haha...... the guy had been working at Malaysia for almost twenty years. when he comes back here last month, he was already crazy....
then the resident asked me 'why did many TKI in Malaysia comes back to Indonesia with psychologic problems?'
TKI stands for 'tenaga kerja indonesia', a term for Indonesian citizens who works overseas.
the resident said some comes back with nothing... no money and no belongings... some were cheated... and some like the guy who was just admitted > 'patients with
unknown stressors'
did anyone knows why?
u know, i had da same problem. they often ask, y does the TKI who came to malaysia often came back with leprosy.. i slapped my forehead (of course, not in front of them). u know, m.leprae's incubation period could be years~ who knows they probably brought them from their own place. they cant blame malaysia for that. haih~
hehe.... yeah... maybe....
takle ckp lbih2..
nnti dikire memburukkn ngare org...
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