31 October 2008
can't sleep without 'him'

2.59 a.m.
I’ve been at the hospital since 7a.m. yesterday
And to imagine I can’t go back home till 4pm today! (I’m on a 32 hours shift)
I’m so damn tired…..
My eyes looks like Po’s eyes..
U dunno who’s Po?
Seriously, haven’t u met this huggable bear?

And look at our eyes….

Did you find any simiarities?
Ok, back to the story…
As I look around the newborn child room, surrounded by tiny babies and large oxygen tanks, I feel a weird feeling that I don’t know how to describe.

The sound of LIFE….
Lup dup lup dup lup dup….. It’s so fast! Few times I had to recount their heart beat...
Oh, how I hate it when the sound stops!
29 October 2008
Laskar pelangi

It’s funny but it’s also very touching.
And most important of all,
I’m grateful that I can still go to the university, where out there, poor people dying to get a proper education.
Some of us took for granted of everything we have…
We want more but we never realizes that we have more than what we need.
A quote from the story
(Give as much as you can, not ask for as much as you want)
P.S. I won’t tell you the story because I love surprises! So to those who had the chance to watch this movie, hurry up! And don’t forget to give your soul some advise after you watch it!
27 October 2008
The scariest part of being a female doctor

But doctors are usually too busy with their works.
Sometimes i wonder how female doctors manage to balance their family and work.
Today, as I sat on a bench at the paediatric ward, feeling so tired and exhausted, my friend (he's a guy) invite me to discuss a topic i've been dying to get rid of.
Guy : Did you want to marry an educated guy or not?
Me : Of course, la. I'm a doctor (not yet, actually)...
Guy : If you are a man, it's easy. You can choose whoever you want. I wanna marry a teacher.
Teachers always know how to nurture their kids well.
Me : Male doctors are so lucky. Their 'currency' increases day by day..... Otherwise we female doctors... (sigh)
Guy : I think you should marry a doctor.
Me : Really? You yourself wanna a teacher. Who wants such a busy wife? Don't you wanna go back home with your wife waiting for you with homemade cookings and tidy houses?
To talk about something that you'll never know the answer now,
yet other people around you had already made a decision
That's what my mum said.
well, she's not da only one.
My grandma, aunties, cousins, and now my friend... all had talked about the same thing.
When you reach the age where everyone think that you should settle down and 'make' kids, the bitter reality hurts you like a needle pricked into your bare skin.
Man: Did you have some free time this saturday night?
Woman: Are you a doctor?
Man: (Shocked) Well, yeah.
Woman: Ok. What time will you pick me up?
Man: Actually, i'm not a doctor.
Woman: Get lost...
Some say that the first time of everything reveals a new chapter in our life. And here’s the episode of my first experiences……
One, two, ACTION!
1st time I learn how to cook
(i was cooking roti puri in da pic~ red shirts gave me confidence. hehe)
1st time I talk in front of crowd
As a prefect at primary school, we had to be the MC during the assembly. I was in year 5 (but only 10 years old because I skip year 4) when I was first appointed as the MC of the day. I was so scared! During my first time being the MC, everything went well for the first few minutes. Then, I invite an Indian teacher who was supposed to conduct the ‘Negaraku’ song to recite a prayer! Everyone laughed so hard and I’m so shy that I can feel my face become thicker and thicker. I don’t know where I wanna place my head. And what makes me so unlucky was the first guy I ever had a crush was directly in front of me! He laughed so hard that I can see tears at the corner of his eyes. I was so ashamed that I gave the microphone to my friend and asked her to replace me. Now, I still had a stage fright but I love to talk in front of crowds!
1st time being away from the family

~ featured pic~my new handphone cover! so cuteeeeeee!
1st time being away from the family (Da Real One Version!)
I was 15 years old as I enter MRSM BALIK PULAU, which was located 4 hours car ride from home and it was over the sea! (What I meant is that it is at Penang Island). As I stepped my foot on the dusty ground of the school’s field, I look around and ask myself “Hrmm… is there any handsome guy in this school?” I’m serious! I was such a bad girl back then. I did meet some handsome guys but it brings a dark cloud on my shiny life. Turns out I couldn’t focused as one of them ‘haunt’ me. I’ve learnt my lessons. You don’t go to school for ‘puppy love’. It’s such a waste of time.
Now, I always remind myself that” I come here to study” when I stepped on Makassar’s land. Experiences really taught us many spiky lessons.
1st guy I thought as my ‘knight in shiny armor’
We met when I was in form two. And we declare our love on 31st of January 2005, few years after we’ve met. For three years, we were so deeply in love. Truly, madly, deeply in love. I couldn’t say that I hate him for leaving me. It’s my entire fault he hates me…. he hates me so much that he have da guts to leave me a day before my examination. It was the first time I cry during test and I couldn’t hear any love songs for few weeks without crying. Love truly makes people blind. We tend to shut our eyes, ears and mouth to our loved one’s weakness. I missed the time I love someone and being loved, as it makes me dancing on the clouds. Now I have no one, and he’s gonna marry someone else. End of story.
There a lots of my first times that I still remember, but I guess you are too tired to hear me blabbing too much. Hehe.
All of the foremost experience should not be the big, heavy log that blocked our path.
Treasure it as a booster of confidence for the subsequent time.
By fate you fail the first time,
Analyze and build new strategies.
By fate you succeed,
Remember that life is unpredictable, and yesterday’s success is not a confirmation of today’s winning.
Be sensible and you’ll be wiser….
25 October 2008
a person with two genitals?
and i'm so happy!!!!
remember da unconscious girl?
last night she look at me directly in da eyes!
three days her eyes couldn't even focused...
and now those big eyes struck my heart.
such a great feeling!
i know i didn't do anthing.
i just follow up her condition n do as the doctor's instructed.
but i couldn't help to feel happy.
when i went to see her this morning, her mummy said "she's been looking for u, doctor" huhu....
last night i work upstairs so i only visited haerani (the girl) twice.
usually i went to see her more than 5 times a shift.
such a nosy medical student.
this morning (4.04a.m.) , a patient's mum asked me..
"didn't u sleep, doctor?"
(we are already called doctor eventhough we are just students)
actually, i just woke up at 3a.m...
we take turn to sleep n follow up patients.
haerani's mum also had asked the same question.
"didn't u rest, doctor?"
the truth is, i did feel as if i didn;t have enough sleep.
but i didn't work 24 hours.
it's only that during my shifts i love to wander n look at the patients and play with them.
my other fav patient is Bella.
only a months old and so small!!!!!
her hand's circumference is only like a 20cents shilling!
i pity those patients' parents
sometimes their children cried the whole day.
it must be tiring to took care of those sick kids.
so whenever i see them, i smile.
i hope my smile may brighten their day.
and today i saw a baby with two genitals!
i wonder what's his/ her real gender.
i'll asked doctor tomorrow.
now i wanna rest!
my first day off for this week!
my spirit meter sometimes reach zero but i'll saviour every moment when it's as high as the sky.
"dear" (talking to myself) "keep on striving!"

my tortoises! (maman and effy)
now only effy left
everytime i'm back to my room she look at me untill i gave her something to eat
she's such a BIG eater!
23 October 2008
keep smiling, CJ7!!

my fav CJ 7! wanna smile like it all da time!
22 October 2008
9pm to 9pm? OMG!
i'm so damn tired!
imagine staying at the hospital since 9pm yesterday till 9pm today!
but i did slept.. huhu..
otherwise i'm gonna be crazy...
but one thing for sure....
huarghhh....... (yawn)
i'm too tired....
21 October 2008
death is calling me.....
i learn lot of new things!
didn't realize how fast time flies....
it is sooooooooooooooo fascinating!
but unfortunately, i make a 'fatal' mistake (dats what the doctor said)
i don't even know what on earth spinning around my mind.
i made an error by writing da wrong temperature of patient 'A' in the follow up paper.
it's such a silly mistakes.
i know the child was having a fever.
i even said to my friend --> hey, this little girl's temperature is 38,5!
n u know what i wrote in da paper? 35,5 degree celcius.... (normal temperature is 36,5 - 37,5)
the doctor in charge was very mad at me....
(temperature is very important! kids with low temperature must be reported and i made a BIG mistake by thinking that it is such a simple stuff)
i just shut my mouth and be like a sponge...
absorbing all of essential knowledges into my brain....
anyway, it's lucky she lecture me....
she tought me sooooooooo much!!!!!
yeah, she maybe talks too much...
but nothing she said can spoil my mood...
17 October 2008
because on this very hot and sunny day,
i wore my very own white coat for the first time.
16 October 2008
can't stop thinking about this sunday....

didn't i look so cute? haha...
years ago i have no worries...
now everything troubles me.
15 October 2008
i need flowing water!!
14 October 2008
clinical years... here i come!

my heart played the 'lup dup lup dup' song in a hip hop genre since yesterday.....
i've tried to loosen up a little bit but it's kinda hard
keep reminding myself that constant tachycardia may worn out my faithful heart who never miss a beat
how fast time flies....
mixed feelings filled my cup of emotions
but one BIG question keeps bothering my cerebrum..