Some say that the first time of everything reveals a new chapter in our life. And here’s the episode of my first experiences……
One, two, ACTION!
1st time I learn how to cook
(i was cooking roti puri in da pic~ red shirts gave me confidence. hehe)
1st time I talk in front of crowd
As a prefect at primary school, we had to be the MC during the assembly. I was in year 5 (but only 10 years old because I skip year 4) when I was first appointed as the MC of the day. I was so scared! During my first time being the MC, everything went well for the first few minutes. Then, I invite an Indian teacher who was supposed to conduct the ‘Negaraku’ song to recite a prayer! Everyone laughed so hard and I’m so shy that I can feel my face become thicker and thicker. I don’t know where I wanna place my head. And what makes me so unlucky was the first guy I ever had a crush was directly in front of me! He laughed so hard that I can see tears at the corner of his eyes. I was so ashamed that I gave the microphone to my friend and asked her to replace me. Now, I still had a stage fright but I love to talk in front of crowds!
1st time being away from the family

~ featured pic~my new handphone cover! so cuteeeeeee!
1st time being away from the family (Da Real One Version!)
I was 15 years old as I enter MRSM BALIK PULAU, which was located 4 hours car ride from home and it was over the sea! (What I meant is that it is at Penang Island). As I stepped my foot on the dusty ground of the school’s field, I look around and ask myself “Hrmm… is there any handsome guy in this school?” I’m serious! I was such a bad girl back then. I did meet some handsome guys but it brings a dark cloud on my shiny life. Turns out I couldn’t focused as one of them ‘haunt’ me. I’ve learnt my lessons. You don’t go to school for ‘puppy love’. It’s such a waste of time.
Now, I always remind myself that” I come here to study” when I stepped on Makassar’s land. Experiences really taught us many spiky lessons.
1st guy I thought as my ‘knight in shiny armor’
We met when I was in form two. And we declare our love on 31st of January 2005, few years after we’ve met. For three years, we were so deeply in love. Truly, madly, deeply in love. I couldn’t say that I hate him for leaving me. It’s my entire fault he hates me…. he hates me so much that he have da guts to leave me a day before my examination. It was the first time I cry during test and I couldn’t hear any love songs for few weeks without crying. Love truly makes people blind. We tend to shut our eyes, ears and mouth to our loved one’s weakness. I missed the time I love someone and being loved, as it makes me dancing on the clouds. Now I have no one, and he’s gonna marry someone else. End of story.
There a lots of my first times that I still remember, but I guess you are too tired to hear me blabbing too much. Hehe.
All of the foremost experience should not be the big, heavy log that blocked our path.
Treasure it as a booster of confidence for the subsequent time.
By fate you fail the first time,
Analyze and build new strategies.
By fate you succeed,
Remember that life is unpredictable, and yesterday’s success is not a confirmation of today’s winning.
Be sensible and you’ll be wiser….
good one~ u got a perfect ending indeed. hehe... neway, u can cook roti puri when u first cook only 3 years before? wowwie~ i never could do that~ hehe...
btw, ur new hp cover is really cencored larh~ huhuhu
yup... but i've seen my mum cook it once... and i help her a lil bit. huhu.....
btw, i didn't show anything 18sx... hehe... not cencored lah!
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