and i'm so happy!!!!
remember da unconscious girl?
last night she look at me directly in da eyes!
three days her eyes couldn't even focused...
and now those big eyes struck my heart.
such a great feeling!
i know i didn't do anthing.
i just follow up her condition n do as the doctor's instructed.
but i couldn't help to feel happy.
when i went to see her this morning, her mummy said "she's been looking for u, doctor" huhu....
last night i work upstairs so i only visited haerani (the girl) twice.
usually i went to see her more than 5 times a shift.
such a nosy medical student.
this morning (4.04a.m.) , a patient's mum asked me..
"didn't u sleep, doctor?"
(we are already called doctor eventhough we are just students)
actually, i just woke up at 3a.m...
we take turn to sleep n follow up patients.
haerani's mum also had asked the same question.
"didn't u rest, doctor?"
the truth is, i did feel as if i didn;t have enough sleep.
but i didn't work 24 hours.
it's only that during my shifts i love to wander n look at the patients and play with them.
my other fav patient is Bella.
only a months old and so small!!!!!
her hand's circumference is only like a 20cents shilling!
i pity those patients' parents
sometimes their children cried the whole day.
it must be tiring to took care of those sick kids.
so whenever i see them, i smile.
i hope my smile may brighten their day.
and today i saw a baby with two genitals!
i wonder what's his/ her real gender.
i'll asked doctor tomorrow.
now i wanna rest!
my first day off for this week!
my spirit meter sometimes reach zero but i'll saviour every moment when it's as high as the sky.
"dear" (talking to myself) "keep on striving!"

my tortoises! (maman and effy)
now only effy left
everytime i'm back to my room she look at me untill i gave her something to eat
she's such a BIG eater!
only effy left?? what happen to maman?? howaa~ best tol citer clinical tuh~ ;)
owh, forgot already~ 've tagged u, dear friend.. if u happen to have some time, feel free to check my page n answer it, ok. if u dont have enough time, then just leave it, no harm done.. ;)
salam ainul???
remember me, shi. kite satu mrsm bp kan? hehe..
i know kak halaa n bajie. im sure u know both of them rite?
da lame da si maman tu mati..
udem satu bdn n tanak makan... nape ntah...
salam my dear shi! how can i forget someone as sweet as u! huhuhuhu..
bajie is my ex roommate. skrg tinggl next to her room... huhuhuhu... n kak halaa... of coz knal gak... hehe..
the baby's diagnosis ~ anorectal malformation plus ambigous genitalia.... anorectal malformation cuz the baby's anus is horizontal with the penis! not vertical, but horizontal! poor baby.... and ambigous genitalia cuz dunno the thing under the penis is a labium or a scrotum... hrmm... they said that only plastic surgery can help..... but the family is poor... i'm not sure what will happen next...
me ? sweet? (*blushing) syukran.hehe..
ic..may Allah bless this future doc. satu pekerjaan yg mulia. send my regards to all.
tq my fren!
ngah mencari kekuatan untuk meneruskn usaha ni...
insyaALLAH kite sendkan regards awak tuh...
windula kt awk..
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