today i have night shift (AGAIN???)
huhu... but i'll be back at 4pm tomorrow... hehe
this morning i had to follow up an encephalopathy patient every 15 minutes!
i'm so tired.
few days ago, that little girl's had been unconcious
she had a diarrhoea and was admitted at the hospital with dehydration.
every minutes she seems sleepy.
when i heard her cry yesterday, i felt relieved.
at last! she's concious!
but this morning she was irritable.
her eyes didn't focus at all.
that's why i was instructed to monitor her condition every 15 minutes.
looking at her and her 6 months pregnant mummy, i felt sad.
and can u imagine that her dad did not come even for a sec to see his first child!
there's so many diarrhoea patients this week!
the gastrointerology (GI) resident was so stressed out.
and u can guess that we (the students in the GI subdivision) are the 'victims'.
but my spirit is still as high as the everest!
sometimes i feel too tired.....
but i realize that if i stop smiling,
i feel as if a heavy thing crushing my heart
so i had to try to keep smiling!

my fav CJ 7! wanna smile like it all da time!
1 comment:
waaah~ bagus tol semangat~ should've been smiling this whole semester, yes~ haih~ it's a long live life~
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